Anyway, I've painted some of Thorin's Company, so without further ado, here are the pics:
Bofur: It was a nice challenge to try and paint a deep, golden yellow colour and I'm quite pleased with the result. And he's Northern Irish too :)
Balin: I had a go at a bit of freehand on the edges of his coat. He is quite an important chap, after all.
Bifur: Again, the yellow was fun. The beard was a good painting challenge too!
Bombur: The bright ginger hair was a treat to paint. All the Escape from Goblin Town characters have loads of details to pick out, really fantastic models all round!
Dori: As with the other Dwarves, I'm trying to keep with the colours described in the books, which means Dori (and Nori, still a work in progress) have purple clothing. I don't actually have any purple paint, so it's all mixed red and blue.
And the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield: You might notice an extra detail I included that is not present in the films, but is in the books. It's the gold chain around his neck - the trim on his collar made a handy V-shape which I simply painted gold!
That's all for now. Coming some time in the future should be more Dwarves/goblins etc., Radagast, Goblin Town scenery, Fiefdoms... Oh dear! the delights of backlogs...