Welcome to my blog!

Here is where I post information and pictures of my collection of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit miniatures, works in progress and battle reports.
Thanks for visiting!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Progress with Goblin Town and the Great Goblin

First of all, I hope you all had a good Christmas and Happy New Year! I certainly did, especially since I got the Escape from Goblin Town set and it is fantastic!

I've made a good bit of progress with Goblin Town. The plastic scenery pieces from the EfGT set serve as sturdy platforms between which I have run my own bridges. The new parts still need painting. (Click to enlarge).

Higgledy-piggledy Goblin Town

In the second picture, see if you can spot the Great Goblin!

The Great Goblin (or Goblin King, whichever you prefer) is the first model I have painted in the set. I used plenty of layers to create the mottled flesh effect.

The beautiful (sarcasm) Great Goblin.

Coming soon: more EfGT models and Ebob Miniatures Normans for Tarnost Guards of Belfalas!