Welcome to my blog!

Here is where I post information and pictures of my collection of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit miniatures, works in progress and battle reports.
Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Reinforcements for Pinnath Gelin

I got the Perry Plastic Mercenaries box, which are, like the first box, excellent figures.

I have painted the first of the captains, and this one sports a rather flamboyant feather on his helmet:

These are the other four captains I made from the set. The third has spare command arms from the War of the Roses Infantry box set.

And here are two musicians: a trumpeter and a drummer.

Here are all the figures I built from this set. I used the spare arms I had left from the Infantry box to convert some more pikemen and have a few more two-handed weapons.

I also painted some more of the Infantry box figures. Here is the captain with two-handed weapon and his banner bearer:

These are the two banner bearers from the Infantry box. As you can see they are the same apart from the stripe at the end, which is to distinguish between units in battle.

Finally, another of the metal horsemen:

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Pinnath Gelin Pictures

Here are some pictures of the army of Pinnath Gelin that I have completed so far!

First up, the warriors with two-handed weapons:

Some shots of the whole army so far:

And finally, these are the models in the army I have yet to paint:

If you're interested in these figures, they are from the Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses range, which can be found here: Perry Wars of the Roses range.
The warriors on foot are from the Plastic Wars of the Roses Infantry box set. The horsemen are from this set and this set. Hirluin the Fair (the king on horseback) is from this set.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Frodo for the One Ring July Painting Challenge

I've entered my first ever painting challenge over at the One Ring! This Frodo was from the Finecast Fellowship. I managed to acquire the set for free because my friend bought it and Gimli had a horrible big lump of resin obscuring half of his body. I advised my friend to visit our local GW and ask for a replacement. They gave him a new box and let him keep the old one, which my friend gave to me!

So without further ado, here is Master Baggins:

Monday, 2 July 2012

Pinnath Gelin warriors painted

I finished painting my warriors of Pinnath Gelin (Perry Wars of the Roses plastics) with two-handed weapons today. I still have to base them and I intend to have pictures up soon!